Social Media Tips to Increase SEO

Strategic use of social media platforms can be a complement to SEO. So stop wasting time deciding which is superior and resolve to combine the power of social with SEO. These tips will kick your company’s SEO into top gear.

1. SEO and Social Media URLs

URLs handles, and usernames brand our company. The confusion associated with business identity will hinder growth, so keep your social media URLs (website address), handles, and usernames, as uniform as possible.

A custom URL helps to optimize your spot in organic search – crucial to SEO. Not all social media platforms let you customize your URL. While Facebook, Google+ and Pinterest allow for customization, Twitter derives your account URL by default from your handle. Be familiar with each platform’s options and realize the impact it has on SEO.

If possible, your company’s URL, usernames and handles should contain your business name. This may call for some creativity if your business name is already taken. If your business is local, consider adding your location to the URL. For example, For more info on customizing your Facebook URL start here.

Choosing wisely when setting up your social media accounts not only helps consumers find your business online but creates consistency between all your disparate pages across the Web. Consistency is crucial to SEO.

2. Social Media “About” Sections Impact SEO

If you want to derive SEO benefit from your social media profiles, provide relevant information about your business. Optimize areas on social platforms where people expect you to talk about yourself. An area that’s often overlooked is the “about section.”

Appropriate keywords in your social media descriptions will boost SEO. Using Google’s keyword tool will make take the guesswork out of this step, allowing you to target customers searching for your brand or services. If your social media site allows, include a link back to your business website. Inbound links to your website boost rank in organic search. Yay SEO!

3. Use Geo-Targeted Keywords

If you have a physical storefront, customers will look for your kind of business within a specific geographic area. Including “geographic markers” in your social media descriptions – your physical address and cities or neighborhoods you service will help you do just that.

4. Social Media Content Boosts SEO

Social interactions on your Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ pages affect where your page ranks in search engine results page. Your goal should be to engage fans through fresh, quality content.

The more your fans and followers interact with your business online, the more authority you create within each social media site. Major search engines take this authority into consideration when determining how your social pages rank.

Search engines favor sites that deliver fresh and updated content. Posting consistently and frequently to all your social media sites will help your brand rank well in search engines. If this seems overwhelming, it may be time to outsource your social media management.

Social media engagement with your brand will increase search engine results. Try these tips and see your company benefit from using social media to complement SEO.

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